Monthly Archives: January 2013


My little miracle <3

skittle13 weeks

So, I mentioned last time how much had changed…
Here’s the biggest change of all!

I spent so many nights alone, crying, worrying about how I may not be able to have any other children, how I may not be able to give my wonderful Glenn a child of his own… After everything, I was even considering starting a savings account to put some money towards IVF, just so that we would have the slightest hope.

However, on the 8th November, my daughter’s 5th birthday, I got the BEST gift that anyone could ever give me…

I got a positive pregnancy test!!!

I was completely shit-scared out of my wits, waiting for everything to suddenly fall apart and go wrong; waiting for the inevitable…
But it never came…

12 weeks later, here I sit, almost 16 weeks pregnant, a tiny little life inside of me, moving, swallowing, her (or his!) own little fingerprints etched on the tips of her fingers, growing stronger and stronger every day…

I feel so lucky and truly more in love than I have ever been ❤ Being blessed with such beauty, so early on in our relationship has done nothing but convince me that Glenn and I were truly meant to be.

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Posted by on January 30, 2013 in Update


Wow! So much has changed..

Since I last updated, so much in my life has changed!

I cut ties with the American… He was holding me back so much from what I wanted and after 18 continuous months of struggling and saving and trying my damndest to find a way for us to be together, I realised that the feeling wasn’t mutual and I was not wanted as much as I thought I was.

Oh well! As it turns out, all I needed had been staring me in the face the whole time, knocking at my door, waiting for any kind of sign that I may have recognized the huge potential that my life had to offer.

So I tossed aside the chains, threw away the keys that held my heart together and took a chance; made a giant leap of faith… And landed in possibly the best place I could have done. I have met my true soulmate.. my one… the one who has proven many many times in such a short 6 months; that maybe… just maybe everyone does have an equal part of them… a puzzle piece they travel their lives to find.

And because of him, I can move forward. No more are the days of the clouds, the storms looming above my head, threatening me with their thunderous fever. Gone are the days where I would sit for hours in waiting for something to come along and give me a reason to smile.

Finally, I have my reason.

And life has never looked better.


Posted by on January 29, 2013 in Update