Monthly Archives: December 2010

Open Your Eyes

Helpless As You Move Away
I Am Empty, Aimless
I Have No Illusions Anymore
They Just Ran Right Out Of Me
And Every Day I’ll Fight Not To Miss You
Every Day I’ll Lose, Yeah

You Are My Weakness
You May Be My Downfall

So Just Leave Me Here With My Tortured Heart
Or Stay And Watch As I Cut It Out

nakitai dake naite mo ii
namida karete shimau kurai
oogoe de sakende mo ii
koe ga karete shimau kurai

tatoeba hitorikiri de
nani mo mienaku natta toshite
tatoeba sore demo mada
mae ni susumou to suru no nara
tatoeba shinjiru mono
nani hitotsu naku natta toshite
tatoeba soko ni wa tada
zetsubou dake ga nokotta nara

hane no nai tenshi ga
afurete’ru jidai de
dou ka kono inori o

Yet again I opened my mouth and got bitten in the arse. Why do you have to live so far away? We could be so good for eachother, We both want it and we know it would work, you told me as much.. So why then is there a problem?
Long distance can work, I’m willing to try it. It’s been going great the last month so why suddenly now does it all have to fall apart?

You say you want things to be different
You say you want to be with me
You say you wish that I were there

Yet we can’t be together until we’re physically closer. I told you I want more than what we have. You said you wanted it too but its impossible right now..

All that does is make me wish further that I could move.

I can’t resist any more. The storm has returned and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Welcome to the madhouse, Tear down my barriers and My defences. I couldn’t care less

Happy-fucking new year. What a load of shit.

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Posted by on December 31, 2010 in Update


All or Nothing

Don’t save me, don’t save me, cuz I don’t care
Don’t save me, don’t save me, cuz
I don’t care

The eye of the storm has passed and the oncoming winds have approached at great velocity. While I thought that I was over the worst and the madness that ensued had quietened to nothing more than a gentle breeze, I was much mistaken.

So this is it. The end of 2010, possibly my last post of this year and suffice to say that I am greatly appreciative that it is over. I’m ending this year much in the same vein as I have spent the most part – in tears.
I am ending this year alone, lost, broken and confused.

New years resolutions? Screw them. Why set unrealistic goals that no-one cares about? Why sit here and say that my “aim” for 2011 is to get my life back on track? I know that it’ll just come crashing to a standstill again, the whole entirety of my existance crashing round my ankles while I sit in a daze, suffocated by the confines of the prison I am kept in. No. As I see it I have one option and one option only. I shall go all-in. Show my hand and let everyone else work around me for a change. It’s about bloody time. I’m sick and tired of being the one who bends to everyone else’s will, caters to everyone else’s needs pushing mine onto the backseat and letting other people dictate my life’s direction.

I want to run.

Should the ways and the means suddenly make themselves avaliable, I would move to the USA. I have friends there. I have people who care. Here, I have squirtle (I love you and I’m sorry about the way my other post sounded) but other than her and Naomi’s ties to Alan’s family, there really is nothing keeping me here any longer.

I hate this place. Its dull, Its boring. The people suck, there’s never anything to do and all that this place is doing is swallowing me whole, crushing me down. I need to break free, I need to somehow get out and do something anything to try and feel better before I completely break down.

And then there’s him. I listen to his music, and it soothes me. We talk until the early hours of the morning and its the only time I truely feel happy. He tells me he wants me, that he wishese he didn’t live 5000 miles away, and that he’d keep me safe and happy. I want that. I want to be happy. I want to feel loved again, Wanted again.
So this is it cookie, If you want me, come and get me. I feel its all or nothing now. Either we do this, we make a go at whatever it is that’s so obviously growing between us, or we leave eachother be. I can’t keep falling apart on you, it’s not fair to you. But it’s also not fair on me to have you say such wonderful things to me, making me fall for you more than I already am, only to be shut down in the blink of an eye. Its dangerous for me.

I’m falling into the darkness again. My head hurts, my heart aches and my wrists are screaming at me, begging for release. I am resisting.. for now. I need to get out, I need to break free and be myself.

I can’t do that here.

Not anymore.

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Posted by on December 31, 2010 in Update


A tale of two halves

I really must stop saying sorry; it doesn’t make things any better or worse. If only I had it in me to be all fierce, fearless and forthright instead of forever sprinkling my discourse with pitiful retractions, apologies and prevarications.

~ Stephen Fry “The Fry Chronicles”

I feel like these words really are those of my own mind. I have only begun reading, but as I sift through the proper english, the rugged dialect of my own generation seems to lurk behind me and grow ever apparent.

This weekend has indeed been an interesting one, and perhaps as the title claims, a tale of two halves. Quite separate in their being, but drawing ever closer, culminating in a whole, an entirely new event in its own right.
So I start at the beginning and hope that as you read this somewhat explanatory, seemingly never-ending post, you take a quick peek into my own subconscious mind, that you don’t get bored before the final words and fall asleep, head banging on the desk with an arduous ‘thud’.


The day I was dreading. While everyone else was with their families, laughing over the Christmas dinner, sharing gifts and being generally merry in their compositions; I would be sat forcing turkey down my oesophagus listening with boredom to the conversations of those in my vicinity. Needless to say that within minutes of arriving at the in-laws, I had the wine flowing, softening my mood, letting my mind wander, inserting the correct and appropriate responses as deemed necessary by common courtesy.
If I would have it, I easily may have stayed at home and spent the whole day in a blur of sleep, desire and music-induced madness. Bouncing around my livingroom with nothing to calm the madness in my mind but the ever-present lure of the internet and my web-based friends seems a sure way to bring about a pleasant experience on my part.

But as luck (though that be a completely baseless term) would have it, the day went pleasantly enough. Started off a bit haywire, with me waking up to find that Alan had one thing only on his mind. Had I turned him down, it would have made for a bad day right from the offset, so again I played pretend and just tried to relax and drift of to pastures calmer.
I know that maybe I should have more self-restraint and self-respect but I have been beaten down, broken beyond repair and these days I find that furthering confrontation only leads to a downward spiral in my own mind and the nightmares are not worth the freedom that I would gain from such an apparent dismissal of my “wifely duties”.
And so it began. The day was already off to a manic start, and it could only go downhill from there.

Being the clumsy footed and haphazard human being I am, of course something would go wrong, and that indeed it did. Naomi went tearing downstairs, eager to open her presents, Alan was in the kitchen, refusing to keep an eye on her and wait for me as I requested, so that I may look upon her surprise as she saw her bike awaiting her in the front room; And so as she rushed towards the room, I ran after her, intent on stopping her from entering the room until he was also present. Needless to say that running on steep stairs is a stupid and somewhat careless feat, I simply lost my footing. I’m not sure if I closed my eyes or if my brain instinctively switched off during those fleeting seconds in which I fell, either way, I don’t remember what happened in that spans of time. Next I knew, I was at the bottom, back bruised, elbows jammed between the wall and the banister, my foot twisted against the wall, tears rolling down my cheeks while my mind tried to block out the pain.

Nevertheless, I got up, hobbled into the livingroom and the insanity of the gift-giving commenced. It was fun watching Naomi rip open her presents and get excited, and it was nice to see Alan smile for once, though it’s not enough to bring back any kind of emotion (although at this point I think I am beyond hope of recovering any sort of immense feeling for him) and it wasn’t enough to make me want to suddenly forget the trials and tribulations of weeks past. Though he hopes for it and though he wills it, I simply cannot make it happen.
So I put on my mask, walked out the door with my held held high, determination gleaming. I refuse to let my inner daemons ruin my angel’s christmas. The rest of the day continues as normal, with the usual family arguments, one sister-in-law refusing to sit where she’s told, the other complaining about eating her vegetables and me- stuck in-between them, willing to scream out and yell at the top of my voice to cease the mindless complaints and idle chatter. Just for someone to host a sensible conversation in which I could participate without needing to justify my interactions. Such wasn’t to be, as it rarely is in a house where manners deemed unnecessary and english revered as little as any other in this modern-day squander of illiteracy.

Is it any wonder that I feel so out-of-place and disconnected, even within the confines of my own family? I think it not surprising that I feel like an older person trapped in the body of a 22-year-old. It is therefore not surprising also, that this lack of emotion for my “husband” has occurred at a time when my thirst for knowledge and intellect is at its highest, but I digress. Now is not the time for idle musings of an overactive mind!

As Christmas Day progressed and tempers flared, I shrank into the background, becoming a piece of furniture, content to please the masses and go along with their plans. I am often too content to bend to the will of others, but while my mind knows the bounds of my own resistance, my heart is too fragile to enforce them and often plays mute. Somewhat masochistic though it may be, I cannot change the design of my own being and while I sit here pondering the inner mechanisms of my own constraints, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed by the pressure that my decisions have placed on my heart. Although this might seem to be a bad thing, I am often glad of the pressure. It reminds me that above all else, I have my faults. As any book has its good chapters, there are often bad passages, almost as if written in deliberately to remind us all of the power of the written word. Same be for my heart. The bad moments of our history ultimately become the tipping point for our future. Either we pander to them and let them swallow us whole, or we fight.


I chose to fight. I promised myself a year ago that I wouldn’t. I promised myself that I’d not ever put myself at her disposal again, that I’d not contact her, that I’d not be the one doing all the leg work, and yet again that is exactly what I did.
Who am I to deny my daughter her nanny on Boxing day? Despite my heart telling me not to go, to not send any messages and to just let it all fade into the background, my head, my logic said otherwise. Whilst it is all too easy to forget and move on as though nothing has happened, little can be done about sound logic. Where emotions fail, logic takes over and when all else shatters and falls apart, logic will still remain.

Perhaps it is this logic that is to blame for all that is wrong in my world. Is it my logic which is so deeply flawed or is it that I simply have too strong a bond to my family? Either way it is somewhat of a burden which I wish to rid myself of.

My visit to mother went well, considering the terms of our meeting were not precisely a welcomed event. She wishes me to apologize for something I am not at fault for and though I cannot EVER apologize where there is no fault, I did feel a tad guilty that something somewhere had fallen into disarray.
And then, of course there was the issue over what had happened in may. I told my mother -in the best way possible of course, that she had done something inexcusable to me. That you should NEVER leave your own child in the hospital that close to death, without so much as a “how are you?” with all being said, I must admit that even I cracked under the weight of it all. being face to face with my mother for the first time in neigh on 2 years was something for which I was grossly underprepared and although I thought I coped well, it is only looking back now, some Twelve hours later, that I realise just how wrong I was.

I didn’t “cope” with it at all. The only way I managed to last as long as I did without having a breakdown was because Naomi was there and I had auto-tuned my mind to somebody else. In all of those moments when things got awkward and I felt the need to say something without purpose, I focused on him. That one person who is able to calm my mind when things get hectic. The one person who’s very touch I crave, like sun to the leaves of a tree.
Conversation stayed strictly towards Naomi and how she was getting on and that is probably a good thing. It was pleasant without too much awkward and I accomplished all that I wanted. My little girl saw her nanny and I can now feel content that I have done all that I could to facilitate their relationship.

The ball as they say, is now in her court. I have done my duty as a mother AND a daughter. Maybe not my duty as a wife, although I could care less about that, in fact the whole time I was over there, the thought that Alan was sat in the car waiting was far from my mind. Though it pains me to say, I think that perhaps the argument that started this breakdown in communication between myself and my family -that being their brutish inacceptance of Alan as a husband and father figure, perhaps they were indeed correct. Although in saying that, were they really all that surprised? They say that who we choose to be with are not that unlike our own parents, as we tend to fall for men much like our fathers due to a psychological need for similarity, much like an infant craves their parents, we as adult crave a similar interaction, to further bolster our moral upbringings.

My father. Possibly one of the weakest influences of my life, and yet at the same time, the pinnacle of all which is wrong with the way I am. Being a 3-year-old and having my mouth taped shut at night so that I couldn’t cry out into the night, being whipped with the buckle of his belt while he stood naked in my bedroom late at night, beaten until I couldn’t sit down – just because I woke up early and needed to use the bathroom.

Can I say that I am surprised that my entire family see Alan as a controller? I can’t disagree. Mother made some strong points, which I chose to ignore. I stood by him and am now paying the price for such. It is simply not enough to be wanted and loved anymore. It is not enough to merely hope for salvation and though I warrant more respect than I am currently getting, I cannot say that it is not forthcoming. I put myself in this situation, and like many others that I have fallen foul to in my 22 years on this earth, I shall have to wait it out and to hope that somewhen soon I find the inner courage to stop the endless cycle of hate, regret and fear.

I fear that I don’t have the strength to leave. I fear that I have lost all courage and wisdom, that I have nothing left to base my existance upon other than a mere facade of being a wife and a mother. My self-worth is meaningless to many and only I can find a way out of the situation I am now faced with.

To say that I’d rather be anywhere but here is an understatement. There is nothing that I’d like more than to pack a bag, take some money and a passport and just leave the country. Should I not have had Naomi, that is precisely what I would be doing. I’d be elsewhere, with someone else, Anyone, but not here. Not with someone who respects me as little as he does.

The rising and falling chromaticisms of my own emotions has me bound to this someone, almost as if my heart is in a trance. Like the cadances of a well tuned piece of music, my heart beats in perfect synchronicity to his.
As all else falls apart around me, his calming mantra soothes me, brings about me an inner peace and while all else is lost and just we remain, I feel at one with harmony. It seems rather childish to say, specifically as we have never met, but there is just something inexplicable, incredible and inaudible between us and whether it is just I who feels it or whether the feeling is mutual, I am not sure, but something has happened which has taken my mind off for the time being and has me focussed entirely on someone else. Whether its wonton or lust, love or desire, that is not to be known but somehow, somewhen, I may just find out and until then, speculation be the devil, it has to be.

I shall not be making any new years resolutions. I believe not in their false hope, but I shall leave you for tonight with this-
Whatever the future should hold, be it good or bad, I just hope, with all my heart that I can finally put the past to rest. No more abuse, no more hatred, no more ignorance. I can stand for it no longer. My heart has taken enough and cannot shatter any smaller.

Thank you as ever, my friends. You have been the rocks on which I stand.

And to you, (you know who you are, should you ever read this) you shall never know the depth of emotion you gave me. Be it your will or not, you are doing something I thought impossible. You are helping rebuild this broken doll, fragile and pale, and turning me into something beautiful. I can only hope that one day, we meet and the mystery, although then broken, shall not fade and leave ugliness. You have my undying gratitude, my thanks, my heart.

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Posted by on December 27, 2010 in Update



Ok, I’m running from the light, running from the day to night.
Oh, the quiet silence defines our misery.
The riot inside keeps trying to visit me.
No matter how we try, it’s too much history.
Too many bad notes playing in our symphony.
So let it breathe, let it fly, let it go.
Let it fall, let it crash, burn slow.

Well it’s officially Christmas eve. The time of reckoning is upon me and I am thoroughly dreading the next 3 days. To say that this will likely be the worst holiday season I’ve had is an understatement. 3 days of trying to appear happy and joyous for the sake of those around me. The 2nd year without my family, the 2nd year with my mother not saying happy Christmas, My brother and sister not giving a damn about me and I’ll be without my wonderful Squirtle.

Even as a child, I never really enjoyed Christmas. There would be presents under the tree, which would be ripped open within 10 minutes of getting up and then the whole day, filled with mother screaming and yelling about the noise, complaining about having to spend all day cooking in the kitchen, Then we’d be forced to do the dishes and scrub the kitchen clean before having to sit quietly by our selves for the rest of the afternoon. Even when my Dad was still living at home, christmas eve would be hell, christmas mornings scheduled around HIS telly and what he wanted to do. God help us if we so much as spoke one word at dinner..

Now, I’d give anything for that. Just to know that there was a mother there to give me a Happy Christmas, Just to know that she cared enough to cook dinner for me. Yes, I have Alan’s family… but recent weeks have just proven that they are HIS family. Not ours. Not mine. The mother I thought I had isn’t really mine. She never was.

There’s just a big gaping hole in my chest and the winter snow is cold. Its freezing my core, the lights from the tree burning into my soul, ripping away all hope of repair, leaving the tattered and scorched edges of my being in disarray, broken beyond repair, unable to be stitched back together.

I have to try- for Naomi. But inside, my heart is breaking. I’d rather be sat at the computer talking on p2s to all my friends than sat at the table with Alan’s family, pretending to be happy and merry. I’ll probably just get as drunk as possible and let the whole time pass in a haze.

I just WISH I was elsewhere. Anywhere but here. Anytime but now.

Fuck Christmas and all the Family bullshit. I have no family other than that little girl. She’s all I need.


Posted by on December 24, 2010 in Update


My internal monologue

Pray to your god, open your heart
Whatever you do, don’t be afraid of the dark
Cover your eyes, the devil’s inside

Lately my posts seem to have delved into a deeper, darker side of my psyche, reached an inner depth that I forgot I had, and for that, my dearest readers, I am sorry.
It is difficult sometimes to turn off the raging in my own mind and to remember that the people who read my writings might not need (or want) to know what is going on in my head and for that, I’m sorry.

However, I do have to admit that it has been somewhat refreshing, spewing out my self-hypocrises, ridding my mind of the crippling cobwebs that have been gathering thus far. My mind feels clearer, my heart, slightly lighter and the dark clouds finally seem to be lifting, allowing just the smallest slither of light through. Perhaps this is simply the eye of the storm and what is approaching may push me back into the abyss, leaving no hope for a reprisal, but for now I am content to stay in this blissfull state of ignorance, closing the curtains and denying the rain hitting hard at the window panes.

I suppose that this interlude is large in part to 2 particular people. Those who shall not be named, as naming and “shaming” (far be that from the truth) would only serve to embarrass not only myself, but those involved. These two individuals, who both share my heart, have managed to do something that I thought impossible. Though they know not of their accomplishments and the consequences of their actions, I will never forget. I can’t forget how they saved me, how their words, their kindness, their compassion, has pulled me out of the pits of my own demise and breathed a new lease of life into my otherwise still lungs. Though we have never met, I feel deeper for both of you than I ever could have thought possible and while you may never realise the full extent of such emotions (and as I am equally sure that I myself would never realise) such emotion has left a permanent mark on my heart, my soul and my being and as I sit here and talk to you all tonight, I hope that maybe one day, I may just be able to tell you how much you mean to me.
One of you more than the other. For you, words will never be enough to express what you have done for me, and though mutual be it not, the fact remains that you will ALWAYS be at the forefront of my mind.

My heart still jumps when you talk to me, you make me smile, as though the sun is bursting through the darkness, shattering the shadows overcasting my heart.

For that, I will never, COULD never forget.
Thank you.

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Posted by on December 20, 2010 in Update


Fix me

When you try your best, but you don’t succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep
Stuck in reverse

Yet again, my attempts to talk fall flat on their face. All that is left is but a mere facade of what was and if I’m honest, I couldn’t give a shit.

I tried to talk things through, to fix things. I asked what the problem was and got told “that site” Like FUCK is he going to sit there and blame a website for our diminishing marriage. No, the problem is that he’s fed up with me. He can’t be bothered to put the effort in to change what I would like him to.

According to him, to “fix” the issues is to sit down and have a proper discussion about things. To not mention anything that has already been said and for me to tell him whats REALLY on my mind. Well you know what? I wish someone would tell me.
What does he Really expect to hear? That there are other people who make me feel more alive than he does? That I spend the whole night crying my eyes out, talking to people who I’ve never even met because they make me feel like he never has? That they respect me and make me feel appreciated?

OR how about we start with his attitude today? I tried talking to him, tried to clear the air and got brickwalled. I tried giving him a hug because I felt cold, and he pushed me away with some excuse about Naomi needing to be watched. Then he sat in the dining room, telling Naomi that I’m a pain in the arse, that it’s my fault daddy was upset and that I’m the one to blame. Then when I was going to get ready to take Naomi to the christmas disco, she came and said she didn’t want me.

Just another huge kick in the teeth to add to the already growing list.

Later in the evening, he said that I could “go back to bed” If I felt like it. And quick as turning on a lightbulb in a darkening room, he switched and started getting close and “huggy” again. Well thank you, for giving me permission to go to sleep. Thank you for telling me that I can sleep in my own bed. How gracious of you to finally listen.

There IS an upside to this whole day-
Naomi’s parent Teacher review up at the school!

They are SO incredibly impressed with her – she’s WAY advanced for her age apparently, has the vocabulary of a 6 year old, is VERY observant and accomodating of others and already understands the concept of quantity! I’m SO proud of her, they’re having to get in lots of new things for her to play with!

As per the regular battles in my mind, Things seem to be hitting another steady patch. Lets just hope that I don’t do anything to screw it up this time.

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Posted by on December 17, 2010 in Update


higai ~ broken

There wasn’t really any light to begin with, Just an illusion created by our own collective imaginations, used to calm the madness of our existance. Its that thing called hope. The thought that one day maybe the illusion will consume us all and become the reality that we so desperately seek.

I’ve had it with trying to mend things.

It has been made perfectly clear that I will never get things back to normal, that things will never be the same again. I just wish that you’d see past your own idealistic perceptions and see me. The me who is still hurting.

I got kicked out of my own bedroom last night, told that I had to sleep on the sofa as alan is fed up of “jumping through hoops” trying to patch things up.
Jumping through hoops? Fuck off. He bought me flowers- nice. He cooked dinner- nice. Even gave Naomi a bath WITHOUT putting up a fight- Also nice.
But when I suggested turning on the xbox and it didn’t work? My fault. When he stormed out of the room in a strop mumbling about “wanting to do something together”, despite me literally asking to put rock band on not 2 seconds earlier? My fault. Giving him hugs and kisses when he walks through the door? Making him a coffee after spending ALL afternoon scrubbing the dishes? Goes unnoticed.

But when we DO sit down to play rock band (after much berating) and someone sends me a message? Oh no, god forbid that I should actually answer a question BETWEEN songs. He HAS to have my full attention 100% of the time. I’m not allowed a social life, I’m not allowed friends and woe betide me should I decide to intrude on “us time” by answering an important question.

So he stormed off, yelling abuse before finally throwing the pillows down stairs, claiming that he’s had enough of my “bullshit feelings” that he sat through the entire meal on saturday and took all the “lame excuses and bullshit” that I threw at him. and then to top it off, he goes on facebook claiming to be “dreading” his birthday and christmas this year. That I can’t go back upstairs and he doesn’t want to talk to me until I prove that I “really want this relationship”

Riiiiiight so, I cook, clean, be his general fucking slave ALL day everyday and he STILL wants more? Oh and add into that the fact that he feels I “only sleep with him to get him off my back” … oh wait, why does he feel that? oh yes becasue I had a fucking panic attack and couldn’t Breathe. Of course, I forgot that means I don’t want him any more

Why the hell do I bother?
oh yes. because Im bloody insane and thought that someone might “actually” care enough about me.

And now to that other “issue”…
I’ve been trying SO hard to avoid it, but there is just no way that I can. I’ve fucked everything up, destroyed a friendship that meant so much to me, and in some respects, it may be a good thing, however, for me, right now, it’s the LASt thing I want.

Why is it that everything turns into a big cesspool? Here’s the current low down-

*My “husband” doesn’t want me
*My “family” doesn’t want me (other than you squirtle)
*My “friends” don’t want me
*The person I want, I can’t have
*The person I really want to talk to is ignoring and avoiding me
*That person, I am 99% sure reads this blog and is probably either too mad at me or too taken aback by the crazy
*He doesn’t realise that sometimes I just want to yell at the top of my voice to just talk to me
*He doesn’t know how much I smile, just when he says hello.
*The only person who DOES want me (and makes no attempts to hide it) is over 5000 miles away ¬_¬
*That same person, who doesn’t read this blog is sometimes the only thing that stops me from going completely bonkers!
*If it were a choice between the previously mentioned 2 people, I’d STILL take the first.
*I dislike that.
*I wish that “he” would talk to me the way the other does.

I’m stuck in a house where I’m not loved, with no friends, no family and no hope. I feel broken and just wish that someone, ANYONE, would put me back together again.

Have a VERY happy day, won’t you.


Posted by on December 15, 2010 in Update


My Beloved,

愛する人 あなたの幸せを守りたい
My beloved, I want to protect your happiness…

So, I will leave you be.

My friend, My Darling, I will ALWAYS be here for you. No matter how tough your work, no matter how little you may want me in your life, I simply cannot switch it off.

You post your ❤ to me, you seem genuinely happy to see me, yet when I approach you and attempt to talk to you, you switch off, you get cold, you get all distant. What happened? Did I do something wrong or are you only now coming to terms with the fact that I told you how I felt? Eitherway, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend and I surely meant no disrespect.

I wish that you would let me in through your defenses. I wish that you would just once, be the happy you, the you who came online drunk one night and we laughed together, albeit briefly, but you gave me a glimmer of hope that all was okay.
I want to know that we are still okay. I NEED you. Like the air I breathe. I have a huge hole where my heart used to be and I fear that your silence is diminishing all hope that I have of regaining it.

I hope that soon, things go back to normal. Until YOU are ready, I shall leave you be. Though it pains me to have to avoid you, I will.

When you’re ready to talk, I’m here.


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Posted by on December 12, 2010 in Update


Closer to the edge

Can can can you imagine a time when the truth ran free
The birth of a song and the death of a dream
Closer to the edge

This never ending story
Paid for with pride and fate
We all fall short of glory

So, last night was the meal with Alan’s work for Christmas. Needless to say that I felt completely out of place amongst all the mindless drones, too preoccupied with their own misconceptions to notice me sat in a corner, silent. Even Alan spoke very little to me, just sat there drinking the whole time, laughing and joking around with his collegues.

I suppose that’s a good thing, afterall, what he said to me before the meal was enough to make my mind explode with anger, before slipping into the quiet disarray of my own mind. Is it my fault that our marriage is falling apart? According to him, yes. It is because I lost the twins in May. 3 days in the hospital, close to bleeding out, having a life, literally cut from me, pulled out of me, so soon after having lost its twin so horridly. The image still haunts me. I SAW that little life. I had to cope with it’s disposal. To think, that had none of that happened, I’d be almost ready to give birth.

And then to have my “husband” throw it in my face, blame it for all that is happening. Yes, I am still trying to cope with it, I am still mourning for the babies I have lost (3 in just over a year) and to have him say that it is to blame is something I cannot ignore. Then, to further prove his point, he had the nerve to tell me that I “must” go to bed at the same time as he, otherwise we’ll “never” have another child.

Is that really all I am? I don’t even think I CAN have any more children. Afterall, it took over a year to concieve, only to lose them all within the first 12 weeks. I don’t WANT to try again at the moment. In my current state, I know that having another baby will only destroy me. I had severe post natal depression after having my beautiful Naomi and I can’t comprehend the state my mind will be in, should I have a reprisal of that. But of course “he” wants another, so am I to give in? Let him have what he wants?
Last night proved that maybe it is futile to try and say no. He had a LOT to drink and when we got home, he wouldn’t leave me alone. I tried saying I was too tired (I was completely out of it) I tried saying I felt sick (I did) and even that my chest hurt (again – it did) yet none of that would stop him. I pulled away, he pulled back. So I switched off. Blanked out my mind, drifted off to that place where all seems serene and quiet.
It hurt. Physically and emotionally. I suppose I should be used to it, but his refusal to listen pulled me out of that place. The silence fell apart, it shattered, leaving behind the old scars of the past, old wounds re-opening, reminding me of horrors past. By the time it was all over, I had a panic attack. I couldn’t breathe, my throat and chest spasming with the thought that I would rather be anywhere but there. The thought that I would rather be with someone else.

Maybe I deserve it. I deserve everything I get and there is no chance of recovering from these nightmares that follow me like a bad shadow.


Posted by on December 12, 2010 in Update


An endless tirade ~ shattered perceptions

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious

The human race never fails to astonish me. Even moreso, the degredation of a society based upon strong moral contingencies. Are we really doomed to an eternity of a downward spiralling state of manic rudeness in a somewhat crude and obnoxious manner? I refuse to accept that this is the “society” I am a part of today. Gone are the days where a simple “please” could get you the world. Past are the times where a “thank you” would be enough to brighten someones day. We now exist in such a manner that if you dare say thank you to the bus driver, to your teacher, or even if you so much as greet a stranger on the streets with a smile and a “good afternoon” you are looked down upon, frowned at, your very being called into question.

What happened to us all? What event turned us all into impolite drones only concerned with our own welfare, to such an extent as this? Children in the streets, swearing, fighting and bullying people they’ve never even met. Adults leading by example, teaching children that manners are of no importance. This saddens me a great deal.

What upsets me further is the fact that my OWN upbringing was such that great manners and respect were instilled in me from birth. The only gift my mother gave me, the only REAL thing she has ever done for me was to raise me with high moral regard. Now I am expected to just toss them aside, to “blend in” with the rest of the mindless, respectless crowd, becoming nothing more than a shell, doing as everyone else.
My mother in law, the one woman I respect more than anyone, has hurt me to such an extent that I don’t think I can spend time in the same room as her, for fear that I might just go completely insane and lose all that I hold dear.

Why? Because of a phone call. One little phonecall from her darling son and she comes running. Fair enough, he was upset, but she came into MY house, yelling at ME about breaking her son’s heart (of which I have not been found guilty) and then she has the nerve to blame it all on me. Not the fact that her “beloved” son is ignorant to me, not that he notices not the scars, ever growing on my arms through my own (ashamedly) attempts to control the growing anger and torment in my mind. No, he is upset just because I am trying my hardest to cope with the growing darkness and refuse to bend to his every whim, letting him control me.

I was bought up with more respect for myself than that, and somewhere, somehow, I lost that, but now I am trying to recover parts of me that I thought lost. The result? My mother in law tarnishing my upbringing. It’s “my” fault that my marriage is falling apart, simply because I expect a modicome of respect. I expect to be thanked for the dinner I lovingly prepare each night.
Is that really too much to ask? Has society gotten into such a state that people consider a simple “please” or “thank you” as meaningless? She said to me that “it would lose meaning” should he say it too often. Too often? It should be second nature to say thank you after someone does something for you. It shouldn’t NEED to be thought about and should come as easily as breathing. Am I really expecting too much? I think not. If I believe that then I will need to completely dispute all that I am. Of course, that is what everybody wants. They would much rather believe that it is I at fault, rather than try to comprehend the fact that manners and ideals mean little to them. What kind of person does that make them? What kind of life would they be submitting themselves to were they to believe that their own morals were lacking?

Alan sat there, blunt as anything, letting his mother talk to me like I was trash. He sat there, letting her berate me, to tear down all my being and shred to pieces, the very background that I have been given. Yet when MY mother did that to him, who was the one putting her in her place? Who was the one who was held up against a window by her throat for daring to back chat my mother? Who went through weeks of constant fighting, being physically attacked for standing up for somebody else? Oh yes, that would be me.

Despite everything, I went against my OWN moral upbringing and stood up to my mother, which in itself was a challenge, but I did it for him. I was taught that you NEVER answer your mother back, that you don’t question your parents, yet I did. The end result was that my respect and my relationship with her was broken, possibly forever. Yes I went forward, I knew the outcome would be disasterous, yet I continued on.
Now, when it is HIS turn to defend me, he sat. He watched the tears fall down my face. He watched and listened as his mother tore me, metaphorical limb from limb, shattering my already wounded heart into shards, so small that I fear they will ever be pieced back together. Then he just expects to stand on the doorstep, openly bad mouthing me to his mother, and then wanting to hop back into bed and pretend that everything is ok.

Is this what I am to become? Am I to throw away all my being, letting people degrade me, disrespect me and try to make me feel as if all I am is pointless? Without my manners, without my morals, I would not be myself. That is something I refuse to do. I will not become like the crowd, I refuse to be rude and coersisve, like so many others.

This is who I am, this is who I will Always be and I will NOT bend to support the outrageous hypotheses of those with little regard for decenecy.

I’m hurting you again
Too lonely to pretend
Like everything is new
I promise you too
Blow it all away


Posted by on December 10, 2010 in Update